by Ariel Harper Nave | Aug 12, 2024 | Astro-Lore
Transits are WEATHER. That’s the first and most important thing to know about them: they are temporary, just moving through, like clouds on a mountain. Planets move at different speeds, depending on their orbital periods; occasionally they slow down to station before...
by Ariel Harper Nave | Aug 5, 2024 | Astro-Lore
Why do a progressed chart? Because we grow! We learn! We evolve! There are several ways to progress a chart, but most astrologers use a-day-for-a-year, or secondary progressions. Regardless of method, the arc of a lifetime is contained within the first 100 days, so...
by Ariel Harper Nave | Jul 29, 2024 | Astro-Lore
Jupiter in our natal charts is where the world expands for growth; Saturn is where it contracts for focus. Jupiter has a 12-year cycle; Saturn’s orbit is 29.5 years. Around the age of 60 they meet for their respective returns, and a gigantic reset ensues.How that...
by Ariel Harper Nave | Jul 11, 2024 | Astro-Lore
A birth chart is a blueprint, your map for navigating the world. It contains everything your soul brought with it into this life, all the potential, all the needs and preoccupations, all the tasks to be completed and lessons learned. In astrology EVERYTHING starts...
by Ariel Harper Nave | Jul 7, 2024 | Astro-Lore
“I’m so tired.“ How many times a day do you find yourself saying that? WHY are you tired? What are you tired OF? What is robbing you of your energy and life force? Vitality is a birthright. We came into this world bursting with the joy of...
by Ariel Harper Nave | Jul 24, 2023 | Astro-Lore
Proceeding According to Precedent “Unprecedented” is one of the latest buzz-words, followed frequently by the phrase, “not ideal”. It sure isn’t. For an astrologer, the idea’s absurd. Astrology—the study of stars—is built on cycles observed over millennia....