Ariel Harper Nave Astrology
Understand where you are and how you can take control of your life

What do you do when it’s not working?
So often we’re told that we need to work harder. When things aren’t going our way, we think it’s our fault because we aren’t working hard enough. But what do you do when working harder isn’t working? When you’re lost in the woods, moving faster is not the way. You need a map… and you need a guide. You don’t need to go it alone.
Individual Session
A 60-minute in-depth reading via Zoom (recording link included). Gift Certificates available.
Concierge Service
A 4-month contract for access to an Astrological Guide (24/7 response).
Welcome…I’m Ariel Harper Nave.
I’ve been an astrologer for more than 40 years, using Sabian Symbols to expand and communicate the essence of a chart. These channelled images give a detailed, accurate description of each degree of the Zodiacal circle—360 in all—allowing a deeper, more precise interpretation.
They are the foundation of my work and they can help you see possibilities and make better choices for your life

“When should I come see you?
What can it do for me?”
Anytime you need help, perspective. You don’t want to be alone.
- When things are not going the way you would like them to go,
- When you’re thinking about making a significant change in your life,
- When life itself has changed, or
- When you feel stuck,
It’s time to reassess how the world around you impacts your life.
Why Astrology? Why THIS Astrologer?
I’ve been passionate about astrology all my life, and I’m GOOD at it.
I love what I do. Astrology’s an incredible tool for growth: every birth-chart is a map, a framework for self-knowledge. Reading horoscopes demands real ethics, because you’re dealing with real people and real situations.
I never forget that it’s an extraordinary privilege to look at clients’ lives with them: I’m THRILLED to see them inspired by the power of their purpose and taking charge of their potential.
It’s all there, reflected in the planets…YOUR planets.
- Accompaniment on the journey
- Complete confidentiality
- Continued support