Venus is about the things we value—who and what we cherish, where our time and money goes, what delights our eye or pleases our palate. Our hearts; our muses; our wallets. 

So, when she goes Retrograde in the sky—as she does every 18 months or so—it’s time to check in with those things.  We reconsider relationship dynamics; we go on diets, or cut back spending, or clear out clutter; we re-evaluate our art.

Exhausting; and salutary; and sometimes painful—but always necessary.  And—to do it right—solitary.

THAT SAID, it’s the zeitgeist, and everybody’s doing it, in some form; so, in that sense, we are not alone.

Venus goes Direct tonight, at 10:19:30 Atlantic Daylight Time, so now it’s time to consider the fruits of our labour.  What did we learn? And what are we going to do with that insight?
