Why do a progressed chart? Because we grow! We learn! We evolve!
There are several ways to progress a chart, but most astrologers use a-day-for-a-year, or secondary progressions. Regardless of method, the arc of a lifetime is contained within the first 100 days, so that is where we look. Are there eclipses? Retrogrades? Stations? When do the planets change signs? Each of these considerations tells us something about our life’s journey, mirroring its peaks and valleys, describing our experience minutely. Some lives are peaceful, placid as a summer’s day; others are stormy and turbulent. Charting our progress helps us make better decisions about the future, based on understanding what we’ve been through in the past.
As Maya Angelou put it, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Astrology can help.